I cry almost all the time
sittin on my bed
thinking about u
thinking about all the times we shared
about all the lies i told
thining about how many times i spilled my heart out to u
staying up all night
just to talk to u
spending my whole day
just waiting to hear ur voice
about whut u said
"i luv u" kept running through my head
wondering if it was reallly true
or if u was jus another
one of those guys
when i got to hear ur voice
i'd always have the biggest smile on my face
your the only person who ever could do
but now since this all happened
i dont know whut to say
you've really changed
and this mite not mean shit to you
but you've really hurt me
and i dont kno how i do
but i still trully luv
maybe just maybe the true u will come back to say it once more
cuz i trully miss giggling and smiling when i pick
up the phone and notice it's u