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About me #2
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About me #2

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About you::**::

1)      Name:Tana Snavely

2)      Nicknames:Sheneyney-lol-

3)      B*day month:February

4)      Age:13

5)      Horoscope sign: aquarius

6)      School Mascot:Bucks

7)      Hair Color: brown

8)      Eye color:blue

9)      Skin tone:white

10)  Height: 5'8"

11)  Weight:?-liked i would say it on here geesh¿

12)  Sex:Female

13)  Toes long/short/curved/wavy:???

14)  Religion:Atheist

15)  Hair Type/straight/wavy/curley:wavy lil bit



16)  FAv. Color:pink&black

17)  Fav. Singers/band:eminem/green day

18)  Candy:fastbreaks

19)  Girl name:Emily

20)  Boy name: Cameran

21)  Tv Show:i dont watch tv that much

22)  Stores:IDK where eva

23)  Movie:8 mile

24)  Number:13

25)  Holiday:Christmas

26)  Stores:

27)  Animal:ferret/cat

28)  Sayings:wow or howdy

29)  Sport:basketball

30)  Place to be: home OR with friends

31)  Accessories:

32)  Hairstyle:straightend down

33)  Outfit:

34)  Shoe brand:K Swiss


//**This or that**//

35)  Cotton or wool:cotton

36)  Skittles or sweet tarts:skittles

37)  Coke or pepsi:coke

38)  Tall or short:short

39)  Black or white:white

40)  Happy or sad:happy

41)  Sunny or snow:sunny

42)  Flying pigs or golden bacon:flying pigs

43)  Silver or gold:gold

44)  Hoops or studs:hoops

45)  Hockey or football:football

46)  Ribbons or bows:ribbons

47)  Curls or waves:waves

48)  Light or dark:dark





49)  Bestest friends:Heather/Melissa

50)  Friends with blonde hair:Hannah/Beck

51)  Friends with dark hair: Melissa/Heather(lots others

52)  Guy friends:2 many

53)  Most talented:

54)  Most creative:

55)  Most funniest:Heather

56)  Loudest:heather

57)  Spoildest:

58)  Annoying:Taylor

59)  Stalker:Lesley:)=

60)  Stupid:Heather

61)  Dumbest:Heather

62)  Smartest:

63)  Can paint their nails really good:?

64)  Can booty dance really good:?-lol-

65)  Lies the most: Taylor

66)  Trustworthy:Heaher/Melissa

67)  Who you hang out with the most: Melissa/Amanda

68)  Most mature:

69)  Friendliest:

70)  Prettiest:Lindsey

71)  Best dressed:Lindsey

72)  Most poised:

73)  Farts the most:-lol- idk

74)  Burps the most:Melissa

75)  Is online 24/7Melissa

76)  You know you can talk to:Melissa/Heather

77)  Boycrazy:me


***///***Have you ever****////*****

78)  Jumped off a building:my house yea

79)  Teepeed sumones house:yea

80)  Fallen in love:yea

81)  Broke someones heartyea

82)  Got rejected:yea

83)  Rejected someone:yea

84)  Ate ketchup by itself:no not that i remember

85)  Ate all the cookie dough:yea!

86)  Stole the cookies from the cookie jar:yea! lol

87)  Stolen anything:yea

88)  Played ding dong ditch:yea

89)  Cried over a boy/girl:yea

90)  Laughed so hard you peed in your pants:no i dont think so

91)  Fallen down the stairs: yea

92)  Seen the opposite sex naked:yea

93)  Talked to a bug:no-lol-

94)  Felt alone:idk

95)  Felt left out:yea

96)  Sharted:?

97)  Bent down and your pants ripped:yea lmao

98)  Stole something from your friend:no


**///**Love Life***///**

99)  kissed anybody but your parents:yea

100)                      gotten jealous that your crush likes your best friend:yea

101)                      Had a secret admirer:yea

102)                      Liked some1 so much you cried at night:no

103)                      Gotten your heart b:r:o:k:e:n:yea

104)                      Broken someones heart:yea

105)                      How many guys have you gone out with:idr 2 many

106)                      Do looks matter to you: no not mostly

107)                      What do you look for in a girl/guy:personality,sense of humor,can hold up a conversation..etc.

108)                       Whats the sweetest thing a guy has done for you:gave me I LUV YOU thing in class he made outta pipe cleaners

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