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Ohh Whutta Day Whutta Day
pissed off
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Sunday, December 4, 2005

ugh today is so boring...jus got home from my dads ...it was the same as usuall...boring....but i guess i think everyday is boring...atleast that's whut it seems like.......there aint nuthin else to say......so lata!

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:14 PM EST
Saturday, December 3, 2005

--ugh today is boring 2 like any other day...hmm... so far today all i did was sleep wake up get on here then bake cookies for my mom's party tonite! then I burnt my hand on the stupid freaken stove....ugh i still gotta clean the house!WHUT FUN! yea rite but anyway thats all i did...told ya it was boring....---okay...haha this day jus got a lil better!! 1st off my old site works!!YEA BABEY!! lol(http://shady-gurlie.tripod.com) then i got to talk to my daddy! and i mite get to go stay with him 2nite! YEA! i misseded him...but anyway thats it!!!!!--lata1

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:12 PM EST
Friday, December 2, 2005
December 2
--ugh today was so fuckin boring all i did was sleep...and drag myself around the house...im so fuckin upset...ALL GUYS ARE FUCKIN ASSHOLES....dotn undestand how i accually trusted him to not hurt me...but it never works out that way does it? I still miss my daddy 2 ....i havn't talked to him in about 3 months....i want to talk to him so fuckin bad....but anyway enough for today cuz i cant think of nuthin else to say about my pathetic life so lata...xoxoxo(-~*~like anyone cares~*~-)

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:11 PM EST
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Mood:  hug me
--last nite i kinda like broke up with muh boyfriend...we dont really get to talk because HE keeps gettin into trouble...but anyway.....now fuckin sam's pissen me off ....gd i am so fuckin unhappy 2day .......ugh nuthin really else to say..day was fuckin boring and miserable...

-------it seems as if nobody luv's me-------
----------why do i think this?------------
-------------is it true?--------------

Posted by shady-gurlie at 3:46 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, November 10, 2005 4:04 PM EST
Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Mood:  hug me
Topic: Ohh Whutta Day Whutta Day
---omg today was so flippen gay.....lol.....i got into trouble because so fuckin teachers think u dont EVER have to use the bathroom and so i got tired of it I HAD TO GO so i left the room....i hope she does give me a fuckin detention i wont serve it jus like i didn't serve hers last yr......but anyway...lol....we got our computer fixed last nite!!!!YES!!! sumtin muh mom did YES IT WASN' ME!!-lol- but anyway kinda upset cuz i didn't get to talk to Chris last nite cuz :( i hope i get to talk to him tonite......FREAKEN sam is maken me mad.....i wanna know the freaken answer to that ?--plz answer it:(-----Hey Melissa good luck on ur site-------ugh whut to say whut to say.....ugh the rest of the shit i can think of it is justa waste of time cuz all i did was EAT pizza and get on here!!!--well lata---*~*luv'z Chris Lot'z*~*

Posted by shady-gurlie at 4:54 PM EST

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