Topic: WOW!!!-lol-
--HAHAHA today was great!!!!! HAHA Melissa--flubber-boxers-(belt)-pants--!!!!lol dat was so disgusting i hope Mrs. Studder told her dat would be hularious that is prly why she aint talken to me and she keeps staren at SHE IS GUNNA BEAT ME UP ----HAHAHA she mite sit on !!!!!! but anyway...besides that my day sucked ass muh fucken computer is already pissen me off and we jus got it Tuesday(last week)...FIGURES everything fucken pisses me off exspecially when fuckin ppl try to steal muh pencil and tell me they give it back...AINT THAT FUNNY BETHANY....IT JUS MAGICALLY APPEARS IN UR POCKET.....but anyway thats enough for today! i cant wait till 7!!! talk to muh sexxy babey!!!YES! lol lata~*~Luv Chris Lot'z*~*
Posted by shady-gurlie
at 4:34 PM EST