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Ohh Whutta Day Whutta Day
pissed off
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Monday, November 7, 2005

Mood:  a-ok
Topic: WOW!!!-lol-
--HAHAHA today was great!!!!! HAHA Melissa--flubber-boxers-(belt)-pants--!!!!lol dat was so disgusting i hope Mrs. Studder told her dat would be hularious that is prly why she aint talken to me and she keeps staren at me....lol....OMG SHE IS GUNNA BEAT ME UP ----HAHAHA she mite sit on me....lol....FUNNY !!!!!! but anyway...besides that my day sucked ass muh fucken computer is already pissen me off and we jus got it Tuesday(last week)...FIGURES everything fucken pisses me off exspecially when fuckin ppl try to steal muh pencil and tell me they give it back...AINT THAT FUNNY BETHANY....IT JUS MAGICALLY APPEARS IN UR POCKET.....but anyway thats enough for today! i cant wait till 7!!! talk to muh sexxy babey!!!YES! lol lata~*~Luv Chris Lot'z*~*

Posted by shady-gurlie at 4:34 PM EST
Sunday, November 6, 2005

Mood:  down
Topic: pissed off
--today i am still fuckin pissed off from what happend last nite...i am sry but ppl shouldn't have to live with there past alll there fuckin life ....and it shouldn't be ruining there lives either ur suppose to be forgiven and when ur forgiven it shouldn't ever be brought back up agian.....i am jus glad i have Chris and all of muh friends to cheer me up when i am down....it worked a lil bit but not much.. ---besides all this shit i havn't done shit besides update muh site summore.....so lata----

Posted by shady-gurlie at 4:22 PM EST
Saturday, November 5, 2005

---Whut ^ ya'll? i jus got done talken to muh sexxy boyfriend! lol and i already miss talken to him................................................:(....lol....but anyway...today i got wolk up at freaken 7 o-clock....WHO FREAKEN WAKES UP AT 7 O-CLOCK ON A SATURDAY.....lol...my lil cuzzinz cuz i was babysittin them...it freaken sucked.....but alteast i made 20 bucks...lol.....but anyway i really dont kno whut else to say cuz thats all i did so far...lol....if i have time i will write more on here later cuz it is only 4.0-clock now...lol...cya's all

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:51 AM EST
Friday, November 4, 2005

----sitten here still laughing about how Ruth U. only takes showers on wed. and Sat. OMG that is so disgusting....lol...atleast she brushes her teeth everyday...well atleast that is whut she said....NOW cummen ppl if u dont take a shower everyday have sum braings and DONT go around tellen ppl that you dont take a shower every god damn day that is jus disgusting becasuse it will get in to the wrong hands like mine and then they write it on the internet...how fucked up are ppl these days...lol...well anyway today fuckin sucked all i did all day was fucken get bitched at all fuckin day long...so now i am stuck with a headache...i cant wait till 7 o-clock because then i get to talk to muh sexxy boyfriend! YEAH...omg i was so fuckin pissed off yesterday ...(dont ask why or i mite get pissed off agian and u dont want me to be pissed because u will then become and enemy and that is the worst person u could be in muh book) well anyway i could keep typen and typen but u kno whut I DONT FEEL LIKE IT I THINK THIS IS ABOUT ENOUGH.... so lata

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:52 AM EST
Wednesday, November 2, 2005

--Today...aww today! today is so damn gay 2 hour delays are so fuckin boring....nothing to do exspecially when noone is on yahoo!! i am so happy! we jus got our computer yesterday!!!! i cant wait till 7 o clock because then i get to talk to muh boyfriend!!!!! i luv him so much!! well anyway i really dont kno whut else to say so i guess i will talk to ya all later! cya all!

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:54 AM EST

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