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Ohh Whutta Day Whutta Day
pissed off
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Sunday, January 8, 2006

--ugh okay i was with my dad all week
-friday...i went to wallmart to get my dad his birthday present...
-Saturday...went shoppin with Angie ..we had a party for my dads birthday and we bought party supplies and shit and we looked EVERYWHERE for freaken party hats...like noone sells them anymore...we went to like 5 different stores till we finally found some then i was suppose to go to Joann's but i decided not to go...then i was suppose to go to Angies moms with her kids and that blew up in my face! lol! i ended up haven to babysit for this lady...ugh..it was so borin...but my dad said im getting paid..so i better get that damn money soon! lol!
-Sunday(today)..ugh woke up around 11ish and went to family doller and dairy mart(circle K) with Rachelle and Charaya and Jay...got my dad shit for his birthday since its today...ugh i got ice cream bars and i ate like 6 of em' on the way home! they was good!! ..umm got home 10 minutes later my mom called...so i ended up going with her to go to my sisters game in Marion(she's a cheerleader for the 6th graders)...it was 1/2 hhour drive..got there 1/2 hour early went looken for that 1/2 for sumwhere to eat...then went back to the skewl (w/ no food--lol) and ended up finden out that the game started early and shit and we missed it and like none of the cheerleaders were there cuz they was at camp and shit! aww whut a day whut a day...got home then got on here and worked on my site! i still gotta call my daddy and kyle...welp that should do it...so lata ya fuck'z...and lotz of luv!! bye'z!

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:06 PM EST

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