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Saturday, January 14, 2006

--omg Today is one of the WORST days of my life...well this whole Week has been..grr..i broke up with Andy today cuz i like sumone else then i find out afterword that he did sumtin with this gurl lastnite..damnit...nothing good EVERY EVER happens to me...gd why does it always happen to me?..noone ever wants me..i feel like i dont belong...i jus want to go, go far away from here and never come back..im sick of gettin hurt..believe me noone will ever no im gone...i still like Cody alot...i dont kno whut to do with myself anymore...im sicka gettin hurt...

Posted by shady-gurlie at 6:03 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:04 PM EST
Friday, January 13, 2006

--oh god today was so boring..i was in the WORST mood all damn day..i hate skewl ....i hope buckeye blows up so we dont gotta go for a while..grrrr....today was the last day of the semester ..so i was late to almost every class..lol...i dont kno whut imma going to do tonight...i mite go skaten..i dont kno tho...but anyway ...i dont kno whut else to say..so yea lata ya fuck'z..and lata*~*I Luv Andy*~*

--went skaten it was kinda boring..i went with amanda but she skated with Justine most of the time... found out Justine dont really hate me...and that Cody aint mad at me YEA! but sumtin that happened there fuckin pissed me off so bad..grr...mostly talked to Kylie and Melissa...hmm..thats bout it...lata ya fuck's and luv ya Andy

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:56 AM EST
Thursday, January 12, 2006

--hmm...today was alright...i still feel bad for whut happened to Cody'z hoody...i wanted to stay home today i didn't feel good...but yea my mom wouldn't let me cuz i already missed to many days..hhmm.wow i havn't talked to my dad in a while..grr...here it goes agian...but anyway..not really anything happened today...it was so boring...but Dylan fuckin pissed me off today when he told Cody that..grr....well nuthin else happend ...but ppl are starten to piss me off rite now...~*oh-yea Melissa plz tell me*~ well nuthin else to say so lata ya fuck'z...and ~*Luv Andy Lot'z*~

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:58 AM EST
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

ugh whut a day! whut a day! ....It started out okay...SOMETHING KEWL HAPPENED!! Yea babey! but then freaken 3rd period sucked(only couple ppl no why) IM SO SORRY CODY I DIDN'T MEAN TO IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.... but ..uhh it sucked i felt so bad...: ( ...but i got a boyfriend yesterday!YEA BABEY!!!...hhmm...gd there aint really nuthin to write....so i guess imma go so ttyl lata ya fuck'z ...and lot'z of luv...ya all better BETTER check out my site! i changed the backround and other shit to it....... http://shady_gurlie.tripod.com

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:59 AM EST
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

--ugh today FUCKIN SUCKED ASS...GGRRRR...hmm...first of sumtin bad happened(aint sayen it) then failed my science quiz....study hall was ight.....art was gay since i already finished my project so there was like nothen to do...then study hall was gay....lunch was normal lol..we all had our moment..mine was that my doller bill had WEINER written ALL over it then i gave it to this gurl to go get me some corn dogs and there wasn't any and she gave it away and so i went and got it back...then Melissa wrote I *heart* weiners ....lmao..it was great but then Math was normal...like all the guys were namen there dicks..lol...weired..English was fuckin boring as hell LIKE USUALL...gd i hate that class..its so gay...reading was okay but yea it was stil kinda boring...that freaken nasty ass bitch needs ta stay the fuck away from me ...GGRRRR i fuckin hate her then she fuckin ramms into me when i was going into my class..GDDDDDDDD she's fuckin nasty...well then Social Studies was a drag to we hadda watch a boring movie and take notes over it..GRR...i hate it...but ugh rite now im tlaken to melissa..haha ....eeewww she jus said she nvm she said she is gunna kick my ass if i say whut i was gunna say...lmao....but anyway!!!?!?!!?!?...hmmm...i think thats bout it...imma gunna get started on worken on my site so ttyl ...lata ya fuck'z...and lotz of luv!!!

Posted by shady-gurlie at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:02 AM EST

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