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~*~This is my site fucka'z~*~



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hey b4 u lv this site....make sure u sign my guestbook above^ or leave a comment in my chatterbox! thanx!!


listen to your heart when he`s calling for you
listen to your heart when there`s nothing else
you can do. I don`t know where you`re goin
and I don`t know why. but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye

muh blog...

When a GIRL stares at you, She is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest, She is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday, She wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says I love you, She means it. When a GIRL says "i miss you", No one in this world can miss you more than that.

                       2 ALL YA'LL
  I am sry ppl do stupid shit in their  fuckin lives and they regret it but I know they dont wanna fuckin have to live with it for the rest of their fuckin life's so jus drop it cuz i shurelly dont want to have to live with every lil single stupid thing i did and it shouldn't be ruiening muh fuckin life but it is AND IT FUCKIN SUX.....


Hey ya'll...my names Tana Snavely and this is my site... I hope ya all like it ...but if ya dont...I could care less...but anyway thanx for commen and i am still tryen to make it better....Thanx gen...--Wuv'z ya'z!!


this is a really bad picture of me ...but its me so yea...lol..

love is when you find someone you can really be yourself 
with. that you can share anything with like a best friend. it's
when you can't even imagine what your life would be like without
that other person. when words don't even come close to how your
heart really feels.
and even though it doesn't make sense to other
people you know that you're meant to be together

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop rolling down ur face.


okay this is muh boring fuckin syte...but does it look lyke i care if ya dont like it? FUCK NO....so if ya dont lyke it then LEAVE beacause i dont give a shit.......*!*PEACE*!*

HOWDY YA'LL!!!! lol but hey anyway i am still in the process of updating all of the shit on here and i really dont know when i will be completely done or how ever u spell that fuckin word so be patient i will get it done as fast as i can.

--okay theres nothing knew coming up so far .... but if u have any suggestions or comments about this site email me, call or send me an offline on yahoo i really dont care how u tell me jus do...... THANX!!!luv ya lot'z!

I want a guy;;
That i can run to in my PJs
Hair A Mess--No makeup
Eyes red from crying
&& he says...
"Baby, you look beautiful"

 UR THE BESTEST FRIEND A GURL CAN HAVE!!!!!Heather i luv u lots!!!
*~*In Every Kind Of Way*~*
Somehow you brought me back to life
made me feel more like I belong
there isn't enough words in any kind of language
to thank you for this friendship that I know we'll have forever long.

You seem to always help me smile
even on days that gone for the worst.
You help me to stand up for myself
and showed me to put my feelings in line first.

You make me laugh
always by cracking the dumbest joke.
You make me know that you're always there
even if it's by a friendly poke.

You make up nicknames for me
to remind me jokingly of embarrassing times.
You listen to me always when I need you.
you even read my silly rhymes.

God sent me an angel
a best friend special in every kind of way
full of life and energy
glowing throughout everyday.

She's the bestest friend I ever had
someone who I care about to the fullest.
She's nice and sweet in every kind of way
and for this I think she's the coolest.

You were there for me so many years
Making me laugh while I was in tears
I'll never let anyone take your place
because your the best friend I've got
You laugh at my stupid jokes ;;
Put up with my
bad moods ;;
Go along with my crazy ideas
And you still manage to see the best in me 

You're not friends because you sit together at lunch or talk on the phone;
or have matcihng flip-flops or can recite each others wardrobe. Your
bestfriends because when she smile, a grin forces itself across your face.
No matter how mad you are -- When she cries, you instantly feel her pain,
&& want to cry with her. When you look her in the eyes you know there's no
one you could ever trust more. Regardless of how many broken hearts you've
had. That's what it means to be best friends.......


               STUFF BOUT MUH BRO...LOL


above is Tina and Kyle....they were together but they broke up AND TINA DID WAY WAY WAY BETTER....LOL...i unna bout kyle ....lol

-----He's single....but i unna if he is looken for anybody so yea ......hmm...there's alot of new stuff about him but none thats appropiate(ms prly) to put on here...lol


This ones for the pain
This one is for everyone
who's had a hard time in this life
who cannot seem to find their way
without using the knife.

This one's for the little girl
who didn't want to play your game
she hated that you touched her
now all she has is shame.

This one's for the boy
whose father gets so mad
all he can do is hope today
won't be quite as bad.

This one's for the girl
who's father left her for a gun
she was the one that found him
and her whole life came undone.

This one is for anyone
who's been the fat kid in the class
who has hated their reflection
when they look into the glass.

This one's for the boy
who's parents separated
their hate for each other blinds them to
the child they created

This one's for the girl
who had her "first time" forced on her
he pulled a gun and she laid down
her innocence taken in a blur.

This one's for the boy
who still wishes for the past
for the girl that he first loved.
he thought that it would last.

This one's for the girl
who thought pills would ease her pain
with each one that she swallowed,
peace, she would obtain.

This one's for the girl
her mother's words are cruel
she says she's fat, she makes her cry
her diet is now the rule

This one's for the woman
who tries hard to conceive
but after one more miscarriage
all she can do is grieve.

This one's for the girl
who's mother gets around
at night she listens through the walls
to the awful sound

This one's for the boy
who doesn't go to class
he's sixteen and a dropout
there's no way he could pass.

This one's for the girl
who couldn't seem to eat
she went for days without food
with herself, she did compete.

This one's for the girl
who gave it all to the wrong guy
he took her body and her heart
but then he said goodbye

This one is for anyone
who's had trouble getting by
who cannot seem to pay the bills
when money's in short supply.

This one's for the boy
who faces the regret
someday he'll see he lost the girl
he never will forget.

This one is for anyone
who's ever felt alone
they cry at night when no one hears
their pain is never shown.

This one is for everyone
who's had troubles in this life
just know that there are others
who feel and share your strife.

Spend some time with me, say that you'll be mine
I never thought I'd find someone to be mine
Lord knows I was right cuz you just crossed the line



aww...look at this hawtee ....man oh man i wish i could have this hunk!!!lol!! his face is about as hawt as his boday! oh yea his name is Lance!...(muh sexxy babey is much better tho!!!-lol-)



Imma miss this hottie ......i didn't even get to c him on his last day...imma cry:(( now he is getting home skewled and i wont get to c him anymore .....UGH i already mis him:((

hey ya all i just wanted to say that thank-you for all your comments bout this site!lol!  and if ya got any more comments make shure u let me no!


haha this picture is of me and muh  dad on his birthday! (this was last yr)

It's amazing how we don't even speak that often, how you tell me we are just friends...but when we make eye contact, when I look into your big, gorgeous eyes, and you smile, I know, something has to be there..


hey ya'll check back at muh site every once in a while to see whuts up ....ight thanx


 wanna be the girl
that he`s scared to
the one where he can`t walk away
from knowing she`s mad at him
the one who can`t fall
without her voice being the last one he hears
the one he wouldn`t know what to do without

always tell someone how you feel.
mean what you say and say what you mean
even when its hard. because opportunities are lost
in the blink of an eye but regret lasts a lifetime

Try to tell me what I shouldn't do
You should know by now,
I won't listen to you
Walk around with my hands up in the air
Cause I don't care
Cause I'm alright, I'm fine
Just freak out, let it go
